
Who's the Better Listener, Your Husbands or your Dogs? http://bit.ly/aKcz2x
Keeping your water-loving dog fresh as a daisy! http://bit.ly/b15asF dogs pets fursday /via @earthbath_pet


It's A Dog's Life CEO (canine executive officer) declares 3PM naptime in the office...
It's A Dog's Life CEO (canine executive officer) declares 3PM naptime in the office...
Snoopy rings the opening bell at the NYSE today. Its A Dogs Life NY loves beagles! http://bit.ly/aBsesG
Thursday is "ask the dog trainer" day. DM or post your training questions on our Facebook page. Woofs!


Do you travel with your dogs? @bluestarjets is the best resource for flying with your medium/large pups.
Do you exercise with your dog? What is your favorite way to get fit with Fido?
Do you exercise with your dog? What is your favorite way to get fit with Fido?


Two of the cutest Shitzus on the planet heading out for a walk with the Its A Dogs Life Team http://ping.fm/zaPYa


Rainy day dog walking is part of our job! The Its A Dogs Life walking team enthusiastically walks our furry clients come rain or shine


We specialize in happy dogs! Fur friday woofs to all of our friends...http://ping.fm/tcEvb



Cute pic of the day! Scout&Ruby after their walk with the Its A Dogs Life NY Team
Cute pic of the day! Scout&Ruby after their walk with the Its A Dogs Life NY Team


Fluffy puppy! Diver after his Its A Dogs Life custom bath.http://ping.fm/fBoOU


We are amazed at the # of stores selling puppies in nyc. Don't we know better than to buy a petstore/puppymill dog?


Cable just went down in the office. I'm taking a work break to walk the dogs. Maybe we'll run into IADL NY team in the park.


Its A Dogs Life NY CEO (Canine exec officer) hard at work...
Its A Dogs Life NY CEO (Canine exec officer) hard at work...


Happy Birthday to our Top Dog!
Happy Birthday to our Top Dog!


Doing the Its A Dogs Life Tax Returns. Happy to share our sweat money with the gov't. Dog care should be tax deductible!


Henri is excited to see the IADL NY Cat Team this weekend.  Meow!!
Henri is excited to see the IADL NY Cat Team this weekend. Meow!!


Dog owners please stop walking your dogs while talking on your cell phones. Your dog has waited all day for your attention!
Rubba-Dub-Dub, Splash in the tub...
Rubba-Dub-Dub, Splash in the tub...
The Dogs want to know why mortgage rates are up .25 pt this week? Need to refi the dog house...


Siyeh taking a break during a dog walk with the It's A Dog's Life NY Team
Siyeh taking a break during a dog walk with the It's A Dog's Life NY Team


Speak softly and carry a big stick... http://ping.fm/Lx4Eq


Saturday dog training class photohttp://ping.fm/gNH3k
Practicing obedience skills at the beach on shelter islandhttp://ping.fm/Ud5Hc


Im training a super genius puppy this weekend! Been here 4 hrs and already goes to the door when wants to potty! He's a prodigy!
Comedienne Charley Murphy calls out Ceasar Milan for his inhumane methods...http://ping.fm/mbZSi


Housebreaking a puppy is easier if you put it on command. Teach your pup or older dog to "go pee" and reward for their efforts!